Violet Daffodils

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December 30, 2017

What I Got For Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating this festive season. I thought I'd share with you a little post on what I got from Santa this year. Once again, I feel incredibly lucky and overwhelmed for the presents I received but most importantly, I am so lucky to be able to celebrate this time of year with all the people who are so special to me and I am forever grateful for that. 
Now onto the gifts:

Beginning with this incredible Pokemon themed customised Xbox One controller*! I saw it and immediately fell in love with it, now every time I play on my console it brings me even more joy to play on it using this <3

Lady Million perfume by Paco Rabanne* and DKNY Be Delicious by Donna Karan*, the latter being my ultimate favourite, my 'trademark scent' if you will and the former being a new favourite of mine this year. I love alternating between the two and they both smell divine! <3

Clinique All About Eyes Rich eye cream* - the joys of getting older! Trying to keep my skin around my eyes looking less zombie -like by using my favourite eye cream.

Keeping up with the tradition from my Grandad, giving us chocolate coins and Terry's chocolate orange. Which leads me onto my next gift...

MATCHMAKERS!! The ultimate tradition in my household from my Grandad and Mam, which my Mam continues on <3 There was originally two boxes but of course I already ate one hehe. 

I feel like gaming was a bit of a theme for this year's gifts as I was very lucky to receive so many great games! Beginning with Mario Sports Superstars*, Super Smash Bros.* and Dr Kawashima's Devilish Brain Training* for the Nintendo 3DS*.

Followed by Super Lucky's Tale* and Yooka-Laylee* Xbox One games. The majority of these I basically bought for myself second hand and told my family to divide them out amongst family members to keep it a surprise haha!

Batman: The Telltale Series* and Batman The Telltale Series: The Enemy Within* Xbox One games. A bit of a theme with the Xbox games this year, I definitely jumped on the Telltale Games bandwagon! I blame JackSepticEye's Youtube videos ;)
The Walking Dead The Telltale Series: A New Frontier* and Marvel Guardians Of The Galaxy: The Telltale Series* Xbox One games. As I say, a bit of a theme going on!
RIME* and Overcooked!: Gourmet Edition* Xbox One games. Breaking up the theme finally haha!

Disney Mickey Mouse Muffin Mold. Another gift I got for myself and had my family hide it from me until Christmas haha! After loving my ice cube tray I bought in Florida all those years ago, I couldn't resist this one! They don't necessarily have to be used only to make muffins which keeps it exciting!

Micky Mouse black cropped hoodie. A total surprise gift which I love! It's super comfy and warm <3

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I got this year. As it usually goes with these style of posts, this post has no intention of trying to sound boastful in any way. I personally enjoy reading blog posts and watching youtube videos of this nature because I get inspiration for gift ideas for other people and I enjoy looking back over the years and seeing what I was interested in during that time so I thought I'd share mine for you today. Who knows? It may even give you some ideas for gifts for people in your life too. 

Before I sign off, I wan to give a HUGE thank you to my family, my boyfriend and his family for not only these wonderful gifts but for their constant love and support they have shown me throughout this year and always. Love you all <3

And to you reading this, I hope you have had a wonderful festive season and thank you all for your support of both me and this blog. I wish you all the happiness and success for 2018!

Thanks for reading! <3
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