Violet Daffodils

•Travel• •Lifestyle• •Gaming•



May 18, 2024

March 01, 2024

August 03, 2023

A Quick Hello!

Hello my darling readers!

I'm just popping in to say that I'm still ever-present here on this blog and social media channels. I'm just ticking away quietly in the background at the moment and working on things behind the scenes, as life has gotten in the way of blogging lately! 
I have soooo many blog posts in drafts and a huge to do list of said blog posts that I need to get around to sorting, organising and publishing. I've just been a bit preoccupied recently with work and personal life taking more priority over my little corner of the internet. But I do hope to be back soon enough sharing all my adventures both big and small. Hope you are all doing well and I shall speak soon! 

Thanks for reading! <3


October 31, 2021

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