Violet Daffodils

•Travel• •Lifestyle• •Gaming•



January 11, 2020

January 05, 2020

What To Expect From My Blog In 2020

Happy New Year! Hope you have all had a wonderful time over the past few weeks, spending time with loved ones, getting some well deserved rest and are now ready to get stuck into a new year!
In my reflective state that comes with this time of year, I've thought deeply about where I want to take this blog in 2020. I know I'm not consistent with my content, I spent a good portion of last year posting out old drafts that had built up over previous years and reworking old posts and I let life get in the way, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for something that I consider a hobby, however going forward I want to make a conscious effort to create more content as and when it happens this year. So what have I got in store for this blog?


January 01, 2020

December 20, 2019

Divers' Favourite: Pescador Island

  Image Source: Pexels 

Sitting alone on Tañon Strait, Pescador Island is a haven for diving enthusiasts. The island belongs to the municipality of Moalboal. Located a few kilometers off mainland Cebu, the only way to get to Pescador Island is by boat, and it would take around 15 minutes of boat ride to get to the island. 

You should not miss going to Pescador Island when in Cebu. The clear waters, the rich sea life and magnificent corals of the island makes it ideal for those who love exploring the undersea world.  

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