Violet Daffodils

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July 05, 2013

End Of Second Year Celebrations | University Life

The other night my uni friend Mat and his girlfriend Lucy hosted one of their fantastic house parties to celebrate us all doing so brilliantly in our results for Second Year. It was decided we would all turn up in fancy dress to celebrate the occasion. I dressed up as Ariel from The Little Mermaid which I attempted by using random clothing items I had from Topshop that I had in my wardrobe and jewellery box, teamed with my Sebastian and Flounder soft toys in tow from the Disney shop.

As for my results, I am over the moon with them! I'm not an over-achiever, never have been my entire life. I've always been an 'average achiever' as I have coined the phrase for myself so when I got my results I'd never been so happier over getting my grades! I got an overall 2:1 for the entire year and I also achieved a 1st in my Design Theory module, which is the first time I've ever received a 1st for a module at university and the first time I've ever got a top mark for anything throughout my entire life in education. It is an amazing feeling!

Back to the celebrations and it was such a hilarious night! Naturally we were all in high spirits with our results which made for a brilliant time together and we all made the effort to dress up which added to the fun! We had Lara Croft, Ironman, Ariel, Indiana Jones, Batman & Minnie Mouse.

We took a vote at the start of the night to see who won "Best Costume" and I came joint 1st place with Ironman haha! BUZZING XD Our prize was fake moustaches haha! Which we all ended up wearing in the end. All in all a fantastic night to celebrate our achievements! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Thanks for reading! <3
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