Violet Daffodils

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May 06, 2017

My First Papergang Subscription Box | Arden Rose X OhhDeer

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!
If you didn't already know this about me, I love getting new stationary. I always remember when I was still in school, before the new school year began I'd go to my local W H Smiths and treat myself to new stationary for the coming year and it would make me so excited and motivated for starting school. Fast forward many years and although I don't attend school anymore, I still get that same excited feeling when I go into a stationary shop: beautifully patterned notebooks, delicately illustrated cards and quirky pens and pencils. A good example of this is my stationary haul I did a few years ago now. I think it stems from my creative background. From Art being my favourite subject throughout school to my degree in Illustration and Design. I love looking at other designers works and can find it really inspiring.

I came across OhhDeer a few years ago after coming across some of their beautiful notebooks in Urban Outfitters and on ASOS. It was only more recently I would buy directly through the site once I realised there was one. I'm a huge Gemma Correll fan and upon discovering they stocked her illustrative work I was over the moon. I also discovered some more amazing artists such as Lucie Sheridan , Sophie Corrigan , David Olenick and many more. They stock stationary, books, home wares, post cards and gift wrap to name a few.
Papergang is a monthly subscription box by OhhDeer of stationary which includes a good mix of stationary pieces from what I've seen previously and from what I've noticed in my first box and from what I gather, each month has a specific illustrator that designs pieces for that box. The products inside the box do go up on the website eventually too so if you see something in particular that you like, you can guarantee it will end up on their website at a later time. However the beauty of the this box is that you pay around £11.90 for a box, including postage but the total of the products altogether can cost much more than that so I think personally it's definitely worth the money. I first heard of Papergang after watching Vicky from VVNightingale 's Youtube videos of her Papergang unboxing videos. I was really intrigued by the boxes and really enjoyed seeing what stationary was included in the boxes each month so finally decided I'd treat myself and order one for myself.

The Designers
For this month, when I first signed up for the subscription, it didn't mention who was the designer originally. Then about a week or so later it mentioned Arden Rose. I thought this was a unique take on what I've previously seen, having a youtuber involved in the creation of the pack. So I was looking forward to seeing what was inside as I love her channel. From what I gather, I don't think Arden specifically designed anything in the box (correct me if I'm wrong!) which is bit of a shame if that is the case as it would have been interesting to have a youtuber design their own box, but it's not the end of the world if it isn't the case. Perhaps she chose some products she liked from the website and that was put together. I'm just taking guesses here! I did notice in the note you get with the box that the products inside were designed by both OhhDeer design team and Amy Lesko. Anyway enough of the back story I'll stop rambling now and show you what is inside!

What's Inside
A Beautifully Designed Box with an Origami rose to make
A rose. Arden Rose. I see what you did there OhhDeer!

A Message with Product Listing
This is really useful as I love seeing who designed what so that if I like their design style I will definitely check them out and keep an eye out for their work again in future.
Sticker set
Personally sticker sets aren't my thing. I have a few for my journal but I don't really care much for them, however I do think this set is really cute and I do like Amy's illustrative style.
Two cards: A Birthday card & A Thank You card
I like this idea of getting cards inside the box. My mam is one of those people who always seems to have a box of spare cards lying around which I think is great in case of an emergency like a forgotten birthday. So inspired by my mother I'm going to start my own collection of cards now with the cards I receive in this box.
 To Do list notepad, a pencil & a June calendar
This is great! I'm always on the look out for to do list notepads as I'm an avid list maker so I'm in my element with this. Also I really like the cute illustrations on it. I didn't realise straight away until I took these photographs but the pencil has a cute little smiley face on it too which I thought was a sweet touch. And the calendar is something I'd never come across before I looked on OhhDeer's website but I think they are really useful, especially to those of you who like the bullet journal as it would save you having to draw out your own monthly calendar, you could add a pop of colour by sticking on of these in your journal instead.
A5 Planner
This is so cute. I like the layout inside, very simple in design and straightforward to understand. I love the design on the cover especially and also it's the perfect size to carry around with you in your bag.

Overall I think this is a brilliant subscription box for those of you, like myself who love discovering different illustrators and designers. It's a great way to give them that extra exposure for their work and of course it's brilliant for those of you that have a big love of stationary too. It also shows great products that would be great for gift ideas, it's really affordable and you definitely get your moneys worth. I'm very happy with this box and I'm already highly anticipating the next one!

Let me know what you think of this box below :)
Thanks for reading! <3



  1. I'm going to sign up to Papergang right away! Since starting my bullet journal back in March I've become obsessed with stationery. I didn't realise just how much I loved it! This seems like a great way to collect things to stick in my journal and use without breaking the bank! :D

    1. That's great Becca! Let me know what you think when you get your first box, I'd love to know :D I'm exactly the same with my journal too haha glad to hear I'm not the only one who is like that! & yeah that's a good point, I bet there is lots of stuff that can be used for them :D xx

  2. The to-do list is so pretty! But I'm most in love with the cover of the A5 planner. Seldom see planner with "doodles" column available! Glad to see you're happy with your box.

    Yanrula x

    1. Thanks Yanrula :D it's fab isn't it! I'm loving the pattern on it. I was really pleased with the planner, yeah I haven't seen many either with doodle pages, I'll definitely be making use of that haha! xx

  3. I love the design of this planner!

    1. It's fab isn't it! Such a gorgeous design, I can't wait to use it. Thanks for commenting Bri, it's really appreciated :D xx

  4. If ever there was a subscription box I didn't know I needed, it's this one. I am a total stationery fiend and this looks right up my street. That lemon and peach notebook is amazing-when I first visited your blog, I thought it was your background the way it popped up!

    // xx

    1. Haha that would have been great having that pattern as a blog background for sure! This sounds right up your street by the sounds of things Georgia :D let me know if you sign up for the boxes, I'd love to know your thoughts :D Thanks for commenting :) xx

  5. Never heard of this box before but it looks really cute.

    Lauren x Huggled

    1. I hadn't either until I saw Vicky's youtube videos but I'm so pleased I have now, I agree it is really cute :D Thanks for the comment Lauren, it's really appreciated :D xx

  6. Omgosh, I LOVE the idea of this! What a cute selection. :) I just wish it was a nice round tenner - I'd feel less guilty for signing up haha!

    T x

    1. Haha yeah it definitely would make me feel less guilty too :D definitely worth the money though for all the cute products :D Thanks for the comment Tara :D xx

  7. Wow, this looks amazing! I love that planner.
    - Emily from ♡

    1. It's great isn't it! Can't wait to use them all :D thanks for the comment Emily :D xx

  8. This box looks amazing and the price really reasonable too! The cards are so pretty I couldn't bare to send them though <3

    G is for Gingers xx

    1. I was thinking the same, they're almost too pretty to use aren't they haha! Thanks for the comment Claire :D xx

  9. I absolutely love OhhDeer and I've been really interested in signing up to the Papergang - this post may have just swayed me! This box looks so fab. I'm especially loving that planner with the lemons!

    Olivia - The Northernist x

    1. Oh cool! Let me know what you think of the subscription box when you get it Olivia, I'd love to know your thoughts :D xx

  10. Wow that is the cutest stationary I have ever seen! I love it so much! Once I get more disposable income, I would love to buy things like this.

    Simply Lovebirds

    1. It's lovely isn't it! I was so impressed :D Let me know if you do, I'd love to know your thoughts too :) thanks for the comment Kim, have a great weekend :D xx

  11. Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look forward to all your posts! Keep up the excellent work!

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