♡Had a rubbish start to the month as I got struck down by the dreaded 'rona and was really unwell for 2 weeks whilst I was isolating. Spent the majority of it asleep in bed as I had zero energy from coughing constantly through the night, a constant migraine and runny nose, fever and chills (which was the most horrendous part of it) and felt really weak. The only times I was awake was to make food for myself and watch episodes of Friends on Netflix.
♡Also while being unwell, was dealing with some personal news in the family. So was feeling mentally and physically drained.
♡My best friend Nina very kindly sent me flowers whilst I was unwell and included a get well card with a quote from my favourite film, She's The Man. She's so thoughtful and the gesture really brightened my mood <3
♡I was also really moved by how many people reached out to ask how I was doing and to send well wishes. I'd been feeling so lousy and it meant so much to me to hear from them <3
♡Tensions were high with England VS Italy in the Euros final. Even as someone who is not really bothered about football, even I ended up watching it. Unfortunately we lost but felt very proud of our team for getting that far.
♡Had a lovely catch up over the phone with my friend Jess who lives down south. Always great to hear how she's doing.
♡I was kindly invited to a blog event at The Body Shop at the Metrocentre in Gateshead to see their brand new store which promotes more sustainability and also showcases a new store layout and their brand new products. I'm obsessed with their two new product ranges, Lemon and Moringa. The staff were brilliant as well, so much product knowledge, were super helpful with any questions we had, demonstrated any products we were interested in and you could tell they were really passionate about the work they do. I went with my lovely Instagram - turned - IRL friend Shay and her fiancé Rob. It was such a great afternoon.
♡Went to Newcastle with Donna and co. after work.
♡News of possibly starting to come out of lockdown now on the horizon. Hooray!
♡Back in Newcastle again with my friend, Donna. It was a lush sunny day so we had lunch at Revolución de Cuba followed by drinks on the picnic benches in Urban Garden before ending up in Wetherspoons. It was one of those days I'd really needed after recent family events. We had one of those well needed deep conversations about everything that was going on and I felt so much better talking to a friend about what I was going through. I really appreciated that so thank you Donna <3
♡Another day trip to Newcastle for a bit of retail therapy. I bought some cute pieces from Urban Outfitters, Next and Monki. Followed by more treats from GAME and Kiko Milano. Finished off with a delicious meal at Zizzi's.
♡My Gran's sister came to visit one week so I went over and had dinner with them both. She made a delicious spaghetti bolognese. Yum!
♡After the meal I was invited to my Dad's new place. It looks great, I really like how he's decorated it. I hope he makes happy memories there. And I got to see Luna which is always a plus!
♡Got my nails done. I always love the feeling of a fresh set.
♡I was invited to join my Gran and her sister on a day trip to Tanfield. It was a lovely sunny day so we had a wander around the area and had lunch at Bayberry Hollow café. I treated myself to a really cute hanging decoration which was a ceramic heart with a lovely quote written on the front.
♡Ended the month with a night out for the birthday girl, Josie with Nina and co. at our favourite pub where I caught up with old friends and made new ones. It was such a good night spending time with everyone <3