Violet Daffodils

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October 31, 2021

October Roundup 2021

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♡Finished binge watching Sex Education on Netflix. Shout out to the gang at work for suggesting I watch this. Brilliant show, great characters and easy to watch. Would highly recommend!

♡Getting confirmation that I'm finished with my Invisalign treatment. Woohoo!

♡My preordered parcel of Sonic Colours Ultimate Xbox game* arriving in the post. I'm looking forward to playing this.

♡New favourite brand discovery! Treated myself to two bottles of nail polish from a nail polish brand I'd never heard of previously but now love, called Nailberry. The colours are gorgeous!

♡Drinking my first hot chocolate of the winter season. The first of many.

♡Dog sitting Luna. I was finally reunited with my favourite pooch <3 With Luna living at my Dad's place now I don't see her as often as I used to so I asked to look after her and get all the doggos cuddles <3

Strictly Come Dancing being back on our screens again! I can't wait for it to take up my Saturday evenings for the foreseeable future.

♡Poppy's Christening. Getting to celebrate my cousin's gorgeous baby girl's special day with family and friends. A lovely ceremony at the church, followed by delicious food at The Scullery.

♡Cosy winter nights playing Pokemon Sword* on my Nintendo Switch*. The best way to wind down after finishing a busy day at work.

♡Luna turned 4! I believe my favourite little doggo is 4 years old now! Seems like only yesterday when we first brought her home. She has brought so much joy into our lives during that time <3

♡Quiet moments sat in the warmth of the car listening to the heavy rainfall.

♡I set up an account on Vinted after the girls from work recommend it. So happy I did. Within half an hour I'd made my first sale! Yay!

♡Dying my hair dark brown again. I love being this colour <3

♡Rocking out to School Of Rock: The Musical at the Sunderland Empire Theatre with the gang. STICK IT TO THE MAN!

♡My one year anniversary at work! How the time has flown!

♡Dog sitting Luna again. Going for an autumnal afternoon walk and listening to the leaves crunching under her paws as she walked.

♡Waking up to Luna cuddling into me. Heart = melted <3

♡My latest obsession: McDonald's crunchie mcflurry. A post work treat. Bad for the teeth but so worth it.

♡Adorable new bedding from Matalan. It's got Dalmatians on it! I love the design <3

♡Binge watched season 5 of Money Heist on Netflix. That last episode though!!! OMG!!!

♡Started watching Seinfeld on Netflix. Seems pretty easy to watch so far.

♡Having lunch with my friend Liam at Zizzi's in Durham. Good food and good company.

♡Cosy night in with Becky and Kyle watching the animated series What If...? on Disney+.

♡My beautiful bestie Jess turned the big 3-0! Happy birthday queen! Can't wait to celebrate with her when we reunited next month!

♡Booked my train tickets to visit Jess next month. So excited!

♡The hoover finally got fixed so now the house looks much tidier after being cleaned. I know, I'm such a saddo for being happy about this, ha!

♡Having my first trip to Nando's of 2021 with my best friend, Nina. Great catch up and good food!

♡Finally got around to taking some outfit photographs for this blog.

♡Catching up with my lovely friend, Kayleigh over dinner at Roma restaurant. Such a lush evening.

♡Finishing season 3 of YOU on Netflix. Absolutely dreadful season. The only episodes worth watching are the last two as they are the only ones where anything happens in them.

♡Finally used the Flannels gift card my Dad bought me for Christmas last year. I treated myself to some gorgeous Vivienne Westwood joggers. So fancy!

♡Officially finished my Invisalign treatment! Had all my attachments taken off my teeth. I can't believe the difference! I'm so happy with the result :D

♡Doing more visual merchandising at work.

♡Perks of the job! As it has been a year since Next bought into Victoria's Secret, all staff were allowed 40% off in VS stores. I had a trip to the Metro Centre and made a few gorgeous purchases. I even bumped into my work friends too, ha!

♡Spending time with my Dad. We had a chilled night in at his place and catch up on each other's lives.

♡Drinking my body weight in hot chocolate from Costa. Yum!

♡More catch ups had at Sarah's leaving do with the girls. She's off to Australia to live out there so she threw a party before she left. I know she'll have the best time in Oz!

♡Had my annual review at work. Although I had areas to work on, mainly to do with my own self belief, I received amazing feedback on my job performance.

♡Lush evening out with Nina; having dinner at the new Turtle Bay restaurant in Durham and then seeing DUNE: Part One at the Odeon Luxe cinema. Brilliant film! I got to experience it in the comfiest seats too, which was handy for how long the film was.

♡Sarah's leaving meal with the girls before she flies to Australia. The last time we'll all be together for a while. We had dinner at Fiume restaurant in Washington which was a great send off for her. I can't believe it's the end of an era though! She was the first friend I made when I worked at my old job at Matalan and now she's off to the other side of the world! I know she's going to thrive out there <3

♡Finally purchasing some Anthropologie goodies I've had my eye on for years. I've been obsessed with these agate coasters for years and now I finally have some to use in my future home.

♡Started watching RuPaul's Drag Race UK Season 3. Loving the queens this season! And we have Choriza May representing the North East who is a brilliant!

♡Finishing off the month at Donna's caravan up at Haggerston Castle Holiday Park. We had the most delicious meal at Limoncello restaurant in Berwick-Upon-Tweed as an early birthday celebration for her, followed by activities on the Saturday; we did aerial adventure, archery and a 10m jump. Although I'm scared of heights, I managed to face my fears that weekend, hooray! Then celebrating the end of the season on the park with a fireworks display and dressing up as The Addams Family for their Halloween party. We then spent the last day of the month watching Halloween themed films and eating a delicious Sunday dinner before heading back home.

Thanks for reading! <3
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