Violet Daffodils

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February 22, 2013

My First Giveaway!*

Hello lovelies!
Thank you so much for the recent followers! I am over the moon and I really appreciate every single follower, comment, etc. To honour this special news, Violetdaffodils has done a cheeky collaboration with Caseapp, who are a Swedish company that have a website that allows you to create your own custom Iphone cover! (Iphone 4, 4S and 5) We decided to hold a little giveaway to one of you lovely people :) Please leave an email address or some form of contact so I can tell the winner, that would be brilliant, thank you and good luck :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for reading! <3
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*This post is in collaboration with Caseapp, all views expressed in this post are my own.


  1. I recently ordered one of these and cannot wait for it to arrive. Great giveaway x

  2. "Tell me one unusual/funny face about yourself :D"

    I'm totally assuming that you had meant to say 'fact'.. if not, I don't know what that is.

    My funny fact about myself is.. I am actually two different two Zodiac Signs, because my birthday is the ending of one sign. But it is the start of another on the next day. My birthday is the shortest day of the year, causing me to be both! :P Hope that made sense. lol

    1. Aw man! Yeah it's supposed to say FACT!
      thanks for letting me know though haha.
      And oh wow! cool! :D xx

  3. Awesome comp! Unusual fact about me. Hmm. My dog is a maltese x shih tzu x poodle but I call her a multi shit poo.

  4. Love this - thanks for posting it using Better Blogger Network! One unusual fact about myself is that the only bone I've ever broken is my thumb bone, and now it bends funny! :)

  5. 1. I love Ariel from The Little Mermaid, so your background is making me :3

    2. Thanks for posting this from Better Blogger Network coz' I'm addicted to iPhone cases.

    3. One funny fact: When I laugh, like the I can't breathe anymore kind of laugh, I tend to close my left eye. I don't know why but I just do. The whole thing makes me look like I'm a pirate with an eye patch, lol.

    Kisty of Style Mermaid

  6. My unusual fact is I can bend my thumb right back so it touches my wrist lol, great giveaway x

    ide love it if you checked out my mac lipstick giveaway :)

    1. can't believe but I can do the same with the thumb!! I don't know ANYONE who can do this;DD! hah..;)

      so I have to say smth diferent... Well, I'm ALWAYS checking the time twice because I forgot to do it the first time... I'm like just looking on the watch/phone etc

  7. I cant close an eye each time!So its very difficult for me to get a picture as I have to have both my eyes open and then close one with my hand :P


  8. love personalised gifts :) and hopefully i could make a great gift to my neace.... :)

  9. ops...i forgot the unusual fact :( hm.....lets see..... i'm talking a foreign language better than my original country language..i even think in my second language :(

  10. ooh what a lovely giveaway! x
    my unusual fact is that when I yawn too much, my eyes water a ton and it looks like I'm crying. it's so weird, but my mom has the same problem too! I guess it's hereditary hah.

  11. my fact: I like to draw too

  12. So Cute!!! I love that they are a swedish Company!

  13. I am totally entering this! Thanks so much for a sweet giveaway!

    An unusual fact about myself is that I really like eating dried noodles with vinegar poured on top (which is totally disgusting, I know haha).


    1. Haha no bother :) wow thanks for commenting/following, I'm a big fan of your blog :D xx

  14. No one has ever asked me a unusual fact about myself, so the only thing I can think of is i can stay up 48 hours with no sleep

  15. Wonderful giveaway! An unusual fact about me: I love to eat alot of things frozen. I love frozen corn, strawberries, candy bars, and even waffles. Unfortunately my love of frozen food caught up with me last week when I broke one of my teeth on a waffle. Have to get it fixed now.

  16. What a brilliant idea for a giveaway :) A weird fact about myself is that I am double jointed in my wrists! :) xxx

  17. One unusual thing about me is I am allergic to all metal except gold and sterling silver wilcarvic

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