Violet Daffodils

•Travel• •Lifestyle• •Gaming•



June 18, 2013

Skating Into Summer

Now that summer is here I've been wanting to start up a new hobby that will keep me active and outside in the warm weather. After eyeing up these fabulous Rookie roller skates on Urban Outfitters, I thought taking up rollerskating would be such a fun one to get into. Having loved playing out on my rollerblades when I was growing up and spending hours on end skating around the garden, beginning with my pink Barbie themed roller skates and then upgrading to rollerblades as I got older, seeing these brought back those happy nostalgic memories for me, so in the end I went and bought them.

As soon as the skates were delivered, I laced them up and headed straight out to test them around the cul de sac. I admit, I was more used to rollerblading than rollerskating and figured it wasn't that much different but how wrong I was ha! My balance was all over the place and I nearly hit the deck a few times trying to teach myself to stop with the front toe stop, but once I got the hang of it and was able to glide around it was so much fun! Or should I say it was wheely good fun ;) ...I'll see myself out.

Thanks for reading! <3
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