Violet Daffodils

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December 17, 2015

Work's Christmas Dinner at Six Restaurant, BALTIC Rooftop Restaurant

Today was my first work's Christmas dinner with the team from my brand new job. I can't believe I've already been there a few weeks already, the time has flew by so quickly and I feel like I'm finding my feet with the work so far and everyone has been very welcoming and supportive. I was looking forward to spending time with them out of the office and getting to know them better.

The dinner was held at the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art in their rooftop restaurant called Six Restaurant which has an amazing view over the city. The amazing views over the city is one of things that makes it so impressive and creates so much natural light around the restaurant, even the toilets have these views too as shown above in the mirror selfie I took (had to be done tbh!) and quite possibly one of the more aesthetically pleasing toilets I've been in haha!

The food and drinks were incredible, both were so delicious. The main course with the turkey and vegetables was up there as one of the best Christmas dinners I've ever had (after my Mam's of course! ;) ) and any place that serves a good margarita already scores high points in my book, especially when they tasted as good as their's did. It was almost quite sweet in taste, meaning they could be consumed rather quickly which was slightly dangerous! ;)

After the meal we headed over the Gateshead Millennium Bridge, which had this gorgeous sunset over the River Tyne, towards the Quayside and headed towards Pitcher and Piano for more drinks, or in my case, more margaritas, yum! Before visiting the many pubs and bars around Newcastle. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you all have a lovely Christmas!

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BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art,
S Shore Road,
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
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