Violet Daffodils

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November 11, 2017

Autumn Rambles

Hope you are all having a great November so far. I still can't believe how quickly the year has gone! Having a slight panic that I will need to start planning my Christmas shopping out shortly. I have bought one present so far, so that's a start right? Fortunately I have a Pinterest board of gift ideas that I've accumulated with pins of present ideas over this past year so finding presents should hopefully be easy enough once I actually sit myself down properly and go through it. Fingers crossed! How are you all getting on with your Christmas shopping? Let me know in the comments :)

Blogging & Editing

I had been very frustrated with my blog this year, purely because I find editing photographs very time consuming and I don't always have the time and motivation for it. I'd been on the look out for a quick and easy editing software or website that allows me to quickly adjust the odd setting here and there as I find Photoshop doesn't make my images look how I want them to and again don't really have the time to watch hours and hours of tutorials. I was looking for a software that was similar to the settings of Instagram, the odd slide here and the odd slide there and post out. Sorted! 

Eventually I have stumbled upon Picmonkey which I heard of whilst listening to a podcast recently and after scoping it out I am thrilled that it fits the criteria I was looking for so I can make quick and easy edits for my blog photos now so I can hopefully get content out much quicker! Hooray! I realise I have joined this Picmonkey party years late as bloggers used this years and years ago but either way I'm happy now!

Autumnal Favourites & Playing Video Games

Although I consider myself a summer lover, I do enjoy this time of year. I love seeing the sunlight hit off the vibrant green, orange and red leaves on the trees. The gorgeous sunsets that look like someone painted the sky. Belting out my favourite songs whilst driving through the countryside and of course stopping off for a cheese scone or two and drinking copious amounts of hot chocolate. Whilst spending my evenings with loved ones before finishing the night off playing xbox games.

I've recently got back into playing video games, after finally getting a new TV as my old one was kaput. With the Xbox 360 being probably considered 'old' in this technological day and age, especially with the Xbox One X just being announced too, it's the perfect time for me as I can score  preowned versions and save a ton of money. Although there is a couple of games for the Xbox One I am itching to play, for the moment I am enjoying playing the preowned games I've just bought and  revisiting ones I'd started playing when I was in my second year at university (5 years ago, holy cow!) that I never got round to finishing. Now my nights aren't spent wondering what I should do with myself whilst trawling the internet aimlessly. Oh how I've missed the excitement of playing a new video game!

Hat: Topshop , Scarf: River Island, Jumper: Marks & Spencer, Jeans: Topshop, Boots: Matalan.

My Autumnal Wardrobe

I find it amusing this time of year when I dig out my autumnal wardrobe because of how different my autumn/winter style (if you can call it that) has evolved over the years. For one, I was never a jeans kind of girl. I had one pair of jeans which I occasionally wore if I was going to art class or painting at university etc. until I was about 18 and only just threw them away this year at 25 year old. Back in the day I'd just wear tights with a floral dress with a coat thrown over the top. Or even bare legs! I can imagine my Gran's facial expressions of utter shock now haha! Love you Gran! Fast forward to now and I can't seem to stop wearing jeans. I've hardly worn anything else! Funny how this happens.

Most likely because I find them so easy to throw on. The same goes for jumpers too, I think they have started to slowly take over my wardrobe one by one. I know I'll get to spring/summer and wonder where the hell my cute floral dresses have disappeared to. I never used to enjoy dressing for autumn/winter as the clothes I had always felt like they were unflattering and trying to swallow me whole but now I'm starting to enjoy it more.

I think this is due to finally finding key pieces that I love to wear repeatedly like this cute pom pom beanie I picked up last year before I went to New York, or these black boots I went back out to purchase after originally buying the same style in brown a few weeks before (haha!) and the tartan scarf I spent the majority of autumn 2014 trying to find one that had soft material and bright colours or this incredibly soft jumper that I enjoy throwing on as it gets colder.

I've also been trying to incorporate older pieces into my autumn/winter wardrobe again like this beloved denim and shearling jacket (hello double denim!) and a few other coats, as well as my leather gloves which usually lurk at the back of one of my drawers, to get more wear out of them. I've also got some new additions to add which are; the black version of this cream jumper, the burgundy version of this pom pom beanie and some black sock boots. I finally feel excitement about dressing for the colder months!

Anyway enough of my ramblings for today, thank you so much for reading!

 Let me know below how far you've gotten with your Christmas shopping and what your favourite autumn/winter pieces you like to wear this time of year or got your eye on for this year, I'd love to read your thoughts :)



  1. Love this post! I also use picmonkey or sometimes ribbet to edit my photos I find it much simpler and easier than some of the other editing softwares. Love the outfit, that scarf is stunning!

    LoneTeenTraveller | Travel Fashion Lifestyle

    1. Thank you so much Meera! :D Glad you enjoyed reading this post :) I agree, picmonkey has changed my life haha! I've never heard of ribbet before, I'll definitely check them out too so thank you for mentioning them :) xx

  2. Hi, I stumbled over here from a different page and thought I might check things out. I like what
    I see so now i'm following you. Look forward to reading over your web page repeatedly :) x

  3. You are so beautiful and this outfit is adorable! I've only got a couple of presents so far and I'm a little bit scared to start Christmas shopping...I absolutely hate it! x x
    Ellis //

    1. Aw wow! Thank you so much Ellis :D this comment has made my day! I know the feeling, starting is the hard part! I'm sure you'll smash it once you've started :D xx

  4. lovely post, you look amazing also loving your outfit xx

    1. Aw thank you so much Caitlin, I really appreciate the kind words :D xx

  5. Such a lovely outfit and really pretty face. I LOVE your blog,first impressions I know but still!! I'm definitely following!

    #sweetreats xx

  6. Ah this is such a gorgeous outfit - love your photos hun! Stunning!

    Layla xx

    1. Aw thank you so much Layla, it really means a lot! :D xx

    2. No worries lovely - still loving this look, it's gorgeous and you really do look stunning! :)

      Layla xx

    3. Aw you're such a babe! Thanks again Layla :D xx

  7. Love your hat ! It is so cute x

    1. Hehe thank you Charlotte :D its perfect for keeping me warm :D I treated myself to another one in a different colour the other day haha! I'm terrible! xx

  8. I love your blog! Very nice colors & theme :) x

    1. Thank you Michelle! It really means a lot :D xx

  9. Great outfit!!

  10. I never used to be a jeans lover either, but I wear them all of the time now! I hear loads of people talking about Pic Monkey and everyone says it's really good. You look gorgeous too, I'm loving your outfits xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    1. Aw thank you so much Hannah, it really means a lot :D I'm glad it's not just me who was like that about jeans haha :D Yeah I've been enjoyed picmonkey, I'd definitely recommend :) xx

  11. Thank you for the kind words Luda :D & for sending your link over, I'll take a look now :) xx

  12. You just look so so pretty girl! Your eyes though!

    xx Lisa |

    1. Aw thank you so much Lisa! It means so much :D also I love your surname btw! :) xx

  13. Magnificent! You are just extremely wonderful. I really like what
    you've got to say and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining and smart. That is really a wonderful website :)

  14. I totally had the same with Photoshop so started using Pixlr Editor online which is kind of like a simpler version of it and it doesn't reduce the quality of my images either which is amazing! I totally was the same with dresses and skirts and never wore jeans and I swear now they are all I live in! xx

    1. Glad to hear I'm not the only one haha! I'm trying to stop myself wearing jeans so much but not doing so well at the moment haha, I'll see how I get on ;) & glad it's not just me about photo editing too! Photoshop takes so much time doesn't it?! I've never heard of Pixlr Editor before but I'm definitely going to check that one out so thanks for mentioning it :) Thanks for reading Caroline :D xx

  15. I got my Christmas shopping done super early this year, it’s almost all done! Black Friday really helped with that haha
    Emma |

    1. I'm so jealous Emma! Wish I had been as organised as you haha! :) thanks for reading! xx

  16. Great post! I love your outfit - you look amazing! I wish I’d brought my Xbox 360 to uni with me but I didn’t wanna get distracted too much haha x

    Francesca | 🌿

    1. Aw thank you for the kind words Francesca! It means a lot :D oh no! You'll have to make up for lost time when you're back home haha :) xx

  17. What a great post! Also your photos are amazing too love the outfit! x

    1. Thank you so much Ayse! That means a lot! :D xx

  18. I'm in love with your outfit in these photos! That hat is gorgeous, I need one! (I have a major bobble hat obsession!) I've not tried picmonkey before, I'll have to look into it!
    PaleGirlRambling xo

    1. Thanks so much Rachael for the kind words :D The hat is from topshop incase you were wondering :) I'd love to see your collection! Let me know what you think of picmonkey once you've tried it :D xx

  19. I recently downloaded the Lightroom app on my iPad (which is free!) and have started editing my photos on there, I’ve really been enjoying that! In case you were looking for any more suggestions ☺️

    Abi xx

    1. Thank you Abi for suggestion that! I didn't realise there was a lightroom app so I'll definitely look into it! Thanks again :D xx

  20. The outfit in the post is just adorable! I still own an Xbox 360 too, although my boyfriend has the Xbox one! He's loving destiny at the moment. What are you looking forward to playing? X

    1. Thank you so much Katie! :D On my 360 I've been recently playing Batman: The Telltale Series, but for xbox one there's a few I'm looking forward to haha! I'm looking forward to life is strange: before the storm, sonic forces, yooka laylee, a lucky's tale, guardians of the galaxy and overcooked, haha told you there was a few ;) . What have you been playing recently? You got your eyes on any of the xbox one games as well? xx

  21. I absolutely love these photos and your outfit! Your hat and scarf are so cute and the colours make me feel all Christmassy! xx

    1. Aw thank you so much Chloe! It means a lot to me :D haha I didn't realise I've unintentionally dressed festive in my winter clothes haha but I love that! Perfect timing :) xx

  22. I love the colour of your bobble hat, such a lovely green! Gorgeous pictures x

    Gemma Louise

    1. Thank you so much Gemma :D I have a slight obsession with that shade of green ;) xx

  23. Love your post and the outfit too, perfect for a cold day <3

    xoxo,Cool style for men

    1. Thank you very much for the kind words Linh Le :D thanks for reading! :) xx

  24. this has been a very eventful year so far :) hope the next one will be even better for you! I am so not done with holiday shopping yet ugh!

    1. Thank you very much Angel, hope next year will be better for you too :D Glad I'm not the only one who's not finished their shopping yet haha :D xx

  25. Wow thank you so much John! That really means a lot :)

  26. Adorable, love this festive look! It's been a tough blogging year for me too, just have to keep at it!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Sorry to hear that Annie but yeah definitely! We will keep at it together! :D Thanks for the kind words :) xx

  27. I absolutely loved this post! Your personality shines through your words- it's beautiful!

    1. Aw thank you so much Marti! This comment has made my day, seriously! That means the absolute world to me to hear that :D xx

  28. Thank you Sarah for the kind words, that really means a lot :) it was a paid for theme by pipdig which I slightly tweaked :) hope that helps! xx

  29. Hey Kate,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog,
    You do have a great blog, love it!
    By the way, beside Picmonkey, I also using Fotor because it's very easy to use.
    Maybe you want to try it out.

    I'm following you on GFC #278, G+ and Bloglovin
    hope you can follow back,
    let's keep in touch ♥


    1. Hey Amira!
      No problem, I've followed your lovely blog :D thank you for stopping by mine too :) thanks for the kind words about my blog and for the photo editing recommendation, I'll definitely give it a try :D

  30. Perfect and nice looking outfit..

  31. So If you are looking for something to really finish your photos right with photoshop alternative, we've got a list of the best photo editors for Mac.

    1. Thank you for letting me know Dina, I'll be sure to check them out :) xx

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  33. Nice one, Thanks for sharing these stuff with all of us !!!
    Photographer in Jaipur

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