Violet Daffodils

•Travel• •Lifestyle• •Gaming•



September 06, 2012

A Day Trip To York

Hello lovelies!

Today has been a brilliant day! Three of my best friends and I took the train down to York for the day. The weather was lovely and sunny so made the day even better. We spent the day wandering around the city and seeing what it had to offer. I thought it was lovely! Very clean cobbled streets, tons of scenery, beautiful architectural buildings and tourist attractions, perfect for some photographs! And of course shopping ;) I may have treated myself to a little number from Topshop. We first went for food and then ventured into the shops before wandering along the river to this play park where we had such a good laugh mucking about on the swings, climbing frame and assault course. After we had worn ourselves out, we headed further into the park where there was a lake full of ducks, so I got to see cute little ducklings, Aww! By the lake was an archway that led to a quieter section of the park apart from the sweet sound of two gentlemen sitting on a nearby bench playing their acoustic guitars, where we laid on the grass, enjoyed the sun and listened to the music. I felt like I was in a movie. After some serious sun time, we venture back into the city centre and found a pub to have a little beverage before heading home. All in all a fantastic day out!

Outfit: Dress and Shoes: Topshop

Thanks for reading! <3

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  1. it looks like such a great day! and look at that blue sky
    you have a great blog and i've just started following you!
    i hope you'll pop over and say hi, it'd be lovely to hear from you soon! you seem so, so nice :)
    laura xx

    1. yeah it was a fantastic day!
      aww thank you very much, i appreciate that loads! and ill be sure to do that :D xx

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