Hello lovelies!
As I write this I have 2 weeks off left before I will be going into my second year of my Illustration and Design degree! So whilst I've had the free time I have spent today creating a new series to share on this blog. After finishing my first year of my Illustration and Design degree at university, I felt it was time to start using this little corner of the internet to share to this audience what projects I've been working on throughout my time at both university and during my art and design foundation degree; the final results of my work, the various briefs I've worked from, the different processes and techniques I've used and experiences I've had during my time here and post them out there for those who maybe interested in knowing the behind the scenes as this is something that I'm passionate about and also something that I enjoy seeing from other illustrators and artists myself. I hope you enjoy this new series of content of my university life!

Ever since I was little girl I have always loved to draw. Didn't matter where, when, who, what, etc. I was always drawing and doodling. Whether it was characters I made up in my head or copying illustrations of my favourite cartoon characters or images I'd seen in magazines, stationery, video games or tv and putting my own spin on them. I confess I even sometimes didn't concentrate in lessons at school because I was busy doodling in my little notepad! It has always been one of my favourite hobbies and past times and over the years it has become more and more of an important aspect of my life, and hopefully my future!
Although I admit when university was first discussed in sixth form I had no interest in going as I didn't feel ready or smart enough for it. I'm not the most academic of people so I didn't feel university was right for me and wanted to volunteer abroad and then go into full time work.
I was eventually talked into pursuing a degree by my family and there was only one course I knew I wanted to pursue because I knew having to draw and be creative every day would always keep my interest and motivation going throughout which I feel is essential to a degree like this, as even in between lessons and lectures you have to be constantly creating work, researching and coming up with ideas, experimenting with different mediums, and much more. There's always a lot going on and I want to take you all on this journey with me and share my experiences.