Hello lovelies! :)
First order of business...MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope you all had a lovely day and thanks for the festive wishes too, I really appreciate it :) I've seen a few of these posts/videos and this year I've enjoyed looking through and seeing what people got. I think it gives you an idea of a person's tastes and interests which I really enjoy, so I thought I'd show some pieces I got. Let me know below what you got or what your favourite present was? or if you got any of the same things? I'd love to hear :)
1. First up we have some cute stationary, which always goes down well. I thought this Alice in Wonderland notepad was adorable! I'll definitely be keeping this handy next to my bedside table to jot down my thoughts.
2. I am very much into my flowers and florals so this photo frame was perfect. It was from Urban Outfitters. If you have followed my blog for a while, you may remember my stationary haul that I did where I bought these cute postcards and I mentioned that I think they'd look cute in a frame. So rather than using a photograph I decided to fill the frame with one of those postcards. I love how it looks!
3. Christmas would not be complete without Matchmakers chocolate! My Grandad has bought packets of these for my brother and I for years as part of our Christmas presents and the tradition lives on.
4. My favourite perfume, DKNY Be Delicious* was another wonderful present. I was lucky to receive a few bottles of this light and fruity scented perfume. As I always say, you can't have too much of your favourite perfume! ;)
5. Next up was Pokemon Alpha Sapphire game*, a present off of my bf and the strategy guide was off his brother. I am still a massive Pokemon fan since being a little girl. Pokemon Sapphire was one of my favourites of the earlier games (after Red, Yellow and Crystal) so when I heard they were releasing a more updated version for the Nintendo 3DS I could not contain my excitement. I watched DanIsNotOnFire's video of him playing the game and was highly anticipating the game even more! I am absolutely thrilled to have been given this and it has brought back so many nostalgic feels. I'll definitely be screenshotting loads of the footage so I may include that on my blog.
6. And lastly was this absolutely gorgeous Disney Traditions ornament. I ADORE these! I've collected many of the The Little Mermaid ones over the years and this was the latest edition to the collection. I didn't realise when I looked at it before putting it on my wish list that it is actually a musical figurine so that was a cute realisation. After you wind it up, it plays 'Under The Sea'. The reason I'm so drawn to them is obviously because it is Disney but I love the intricate details of how the characters have been carved, the time and effort that must have taken fascinates me. The attention to detail is phenomenal!
Anyway, there we have it! Just a few bits and pieces of what I got, hope you all had a lovely Christmas and again let me know what you got etc. :) Hope you all have a lovely New Year too!
Bring on 2015!