Violet Daffodils

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July 15, 2017

Behind The Scenes Photo Shoot For Work's New Website

On Wednesday, my colleague and friend, Mariya and I spent the day having a photo shoot for my profile photo on the company's website. As I had been on holiday when the rest of the team had their photos taken. It felt like the day flew over when taking the photographs!

Mariya had set up all the equipment before I arrived so once I got myself ready with my makeup, we got started with taking test shots, adjusting the lighting, trying out different poses and expressions and also having a laugh taking a few fun ones in between. I've compiled a few of my personal favourites below.

We decided to make a day of it by heading out to lunch too. A quick stop at Bradley Gardens for a bite to eat and a delicious hot chocolate to refuel. Before heading back and watching Mariya work her magic editing skills on my many mugshots on Adobe Lightroom and me beginning the process of elimination of said mugshots. I joke, Mariya did an amazing job at making me look somewhat a normal, functioning human being haha! Thanks Mariya!

I thought today I would share with you a few photographs from behind the scenes of the shoot, so I hope you enjoy!

Beginning the process of elimination on my many photographs (and mugshots).

My makeup look for the photo shoot. Dark eyeshadow and a bright pink lip. Teamed with my 'suspicious bunny' print, stripe t-shirt from Lazy Oaf (bought secondhand on Depop, my first purchase on there).

The set up for the shoot. 

Taking test shots. 

Being serious for a change!

Having a good ol' LOL on set. 

Being such a always...and loving it!

A collage of my personal favourites from the fun ones taken.

Two that almost made the cut. I was unsure of my expression in the first one and I wasn't keen on how my hair looked in both. Saying that, the more I look at it, the more I prefer the bottom one. Maybe in the future I could potentially use this one.

Lunch time! And ALL the marshmallows <3

Lunch at Bradley Gardens, so pretty!

The chosen one. 

The finished result, live on the website. With the photograph in black and white to fit the monochromatic theme of the website.

So there we have it. A little sneak peek behind the scenes of our new website. I hope you liked this little insight into a one off 'day in the life' style post. Usually I spend my days clicking away behind a laptop screen, so it was fun to show a different side to work. A more 'casual' day, as it were. I had a lot of fun working together and spending time with Mariya. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the website starting to come together for the relaunch very soon.

Thanks for reading! <3
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