Violet Daffodils

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November 07, 2014

My Week In Outfits 2014

Fairies In The Garden

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!
Try not to faint, but this outfit doesn't have any Topshop pieces in it...I know, I know! Shocking ;)
A while back when hunting for a cuff for the Charity Ball with Matalan, I stumbled upon this absolutely gorgeous kimono and it was love at first sight. It reminds me of an old dress I had that I named "the Icicle dress" and it was very pale blue with the sleeves the same material as this kimono and with little beaded bits on it. For a while I had been thinking it reminds me of something and it was only until my Mam pointed it out that I made the connection. I think the kimono is absolutely beautiful and has such intricate detailing. I feel very ethereal when I wear this.
Outfit: Dress: Missguided, Kimono: New Look, Flats: Matalan


Back to normal with the full Topshop outfits here! I was feeling rather inspired by all the talk about festivals that seems to be appearing everywhere I look lately so thought I'd channel my inner festival gal here. It's not something I'd normally wear but I quite like it all together and gives me more styling inspiration when I come to wearing this kimono in a more casual environment. Believe it or not this kimono used to belong to my Mam before I pinched it. It is a really old school Topshop kimono, it even has their old branding tag inside too which I think is a nice touch. I adore the floral print on it and it is so silky soft to wear too. Also another piece I am loving is these shoes! I think they are an amazing dupe for Vans. I got them from Matalan which was a bargain and with added staff discount it was a winner!

Kimono, Crop Top & Shorts: Topshop, Tights: Asda, Shoes: Matalan


Although it is probably such a cliche to have this jumper and I'm far from a 'full time fashion blogger' anyway, more like a 'when I can be arsed blogger' ha! I couldn't help myself with purchasing this jumper. I really like the style of this, not normally what I'd wear but I was pleasantly surprised by this. It is ridiculously soft inside and super comfy to wear which will be ideal for the colder months.

Outfit: Sweatshirt: ASOS, Leigh Jeans: Topshop, Slip-On Shoes: Matalan

Today was a chill day so I thought I'd talk about one of my favourite outfits to wear out. I know Joni jeans are old news but I never saw the appeal of them, I'm more of a Leigh jeans girl (still am!) but when I was in Edinburgh, I decided to give them a try and I really liked how they fit, although they are not the best jeans to wear if you are going for food with the waistband resting against your stomach full of food but that might just be me being awkward, but I think they fit so good and are really comfortable to wear. I've also recently started rocking the half-up/half-down hair do as well as I've been getting a bit sick of using the usual hair styles on myself. Also I have been loving these converse, I've had my eye on them in work for ages and they went in the sale not so long ago so I decided to treat myself. I haven't worn converse since I had my rainbow ones back in Year 8 but I think they are great for this transitional time of year.

Outfit: Long Sleeved Top & Joni Jeans: Topshop, Shoes: Matalan

Outfit: Co-ord: Missguided

I also ventured out to take a new outfit post for the blog but wasn't happy with the way they came out. I've been trying to experiment more with my hair so tried out this half up- half down do. This was the outfit I was sporting as this is the only photo I have remaining of the outfit. I had my eye on this co-ord for aaaaaages and finally had enough saved to treat myself. I think it is super cute! As well as being good together I think it would look paired separately with other items in my wardrobe too.

Outfit: Top & Slip-On Shoes: Matalan, Shorts: Asda


Today was spent waiting around for my car to get MOT'd so I thought why not kill some time and take some pictures. I recently bought these shorts from Asda believe it or not, what a complete bargain they were too! I was really drawn the pattern on them and the floaty material of them make them super comfortable. A perfect item for spring/summer time. I also met my friend for drinks too so decided to style the shorts in a different way. I like this idea of teaming a block colour on top, I think it complements the shorts really well. If I do say so myself ;)
Outfit: Blazer: Topshop, Top: Matalan, Shorts: Asda

All the leaves are brown and the coat is grey

I had a trip to town not so long ago and on my way out I found this beautiful dress in Warehouse which for some reason made me think of Carrie Bradshaw a little bit. The material is so soft with the jersey grey part and the soft pleated skirt. I feel super girly in it! Sticking with the grey theme I had been on a shopping ban for a while as there was a student lock-in at the Metro and was saving my pennies for that. Before that I had seen this gorgeous grey coat and I tried it on and really loved it but held off buying it as long as possible, so when it came to the lock-in, I eventually bought it so was a very happy lady! For my birthday I got a few gift vouchers so I put that towards it so thanks Sarah and Jess for those! :) I absolutely love this coat at the moment, I've even wore it with my recent outfit post and I like to wear really bold, colour, quirky dresses and the team it with the coat to smarten them up, so I love that it goes with everything I own :)
Outfit: Dress: Warehouse, Coat: Topshop, Flats: Matalan


Today was spent with a rather spontaneous trip to Hamsterly Forest with the other half. It was mild enough weather to walk around so it was an ideal day to go out. It was good to get outside in the fresh air. Always feel in good spirits after doing that :)
Outfit: Top, Trousers & Brogue Shoes: Topshop

Then the evening was spent going on a little date night so this was my outfit of choice. I'm literally obsessed with this dress! I love the strawberry pattern all over it. So so cute and summery, right up my street :)
  Outfit: Dress: Henry Holland, Bag: Mulberry

Thanks for reading! <3
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  1. you look wonderful! love the skirt and the top...and that oversize coat!

  2. Love the skirt, such a nice outfit and lovely photos too! Abi :)

  3. You look so lovely! I am in love with the coat you're wearing, great look :) x

    Always, Alice x

  4. Great look, I love the dress and anything Carrie Bradshaw is always good! :)

    Anoushka Probyn - A London Fashion Blog

    1. Thanks Anoushka :D I love our Carrie Bradshaw haha :D xx

  5. You are so god damn pretty Kate! :D And that outfit is so beautiful. Definitely getting the Bradshaw vibe haha, slightly jealous of that Topshop coat though - so lovely!

    Jemma xx

    1. Aww wow thank you so much Jemma for this wonderful comment :D you have really made my day :) xx

  6. This outfit looks so comfy and feminine. :)

    Life With Antlers

  7. Love this outfit! X

  8. Wow!!! I have to say I've never really thought about Topshop coats, butttt that one has made me really want to go and get it!! Love these outfits xxx

    1. Hehe apologies for your future shopping spree Beth ;) Thanks for the comment :) xx

  9. I have just found your blog and I love it! Gave you a follow on bloglovin! :)
    Thats a beautiful dress!

    Renee |

    1. Thanks Renee, glad you like my blog, I really appreciate it :D xx

  10. Such a gorgeous outfit dol and your so prettyl! The neutral muted colours are so lovely paired together! And I totally see why you wanted to save for that gorgeous jackett! Its absolutely stunning and totally brings the whole look together! Ahh love Carrie Bradshaw too I'm definitely getting her vibe from this look! beaut post hun xo

    1. Aww wow thank you so much Grandy for this lovely comment :D xx

  11. That coat is lovely--super great find! I totally agree as well that your skirt is very Carrie Bradshaw. Super feminine and chic!


  12. Loving the grey and blush color combo!

    Stop by :)

  13. Nice outfit! Great coat!

    xo T.

  14. I'm in love with this long jacket!! so cool!!

  15. That is such a pretty dress! It's so feminine & I love the pleat detailing :)

    Style Sunrise☀


  16. I adore this look. It's light, fun, breezy. The oversize blazer is amazing & it fits you perfectly. :] // ☼ ☯

  17. The grey coat is gorgeous and you styled it really well :)

    Alice x

  18. love your style! really cute blog! followed! <3


    1. Aww thank you very much Kristen, I really appreciate it :D xx

  19. I really like your pretty skirt :) It's very dainty! xx

  20. this looks so lovely! really love the soft looking subtle dress

  21. This is super adorable Kate! Love this chic autumn look - especially that pretty coat!

    Also you've got that song in my head now haha, all the leaves are brown and all the skies are greyyy! Have a great week ahead lovely! :)

    Gabby xo

    Blog - What She Buys / Instagram / Twitter

    1. Haha my bad! ;) It got stuck in my head too when i first wrote it :p Thank you for the comment Gabby :D xx

  22. There's something so elegant/ballerina-like about this dress, it's stunning on you! xx

    Love and Marmalade

  23. You are very cute)

  24. What a pretty dress! You look amazing :)


  25. love the coat! you look beautiful xx

  26. such a lovely outfit :) xx

  27. You look so summery! I miss that sun! The pink/ grey mix is perfect and so classic!

    Em x

  28. Replies
    1. Aww thank you so much Maya :D glad you like it! xx

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