Violet Daffodils

•Travel• •Lifestyle• •Gaming•



May 27, 2018

VioletDaffodils Now On Instagram

Hello and welcome back to my blog. I have a new Instagram account: @violetdaffodils! After reading the post by Alice from TheRoseGlow regarding using your personal instagram for blogging. It got me thinking about my own account and how I've done the same for years, combining my personal posts with blogging posts on my personal instagram account. Over time I've found it can be restricting on what content I feel I can post because of other people's judgement. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but it has. There has been times over the years when I have posted travel pictures or done an outfit of the day etc. and had people I know outside of the blogging world judge me or complain about the posts either in comments, to my face or behind my back, or offer unwanted opinions and input which had made me very self conscious about sharing content going forward. So after reading Alice's post, it got me thinking and I wanted to create a new separate space where I can share such content because I love what I do and I love sharing content and this blog has always been my little escape from reality and my everyday life. So with all that being said I've decided to create a separate Instagram account for my blogging content where I will be sharing travel photography, lifestyle content, gaming bits, brand collaborations, events and gigs, and many adorable pictures of Luna. I hope you follow and enjoy the content!

1. An introductory selfie for my first post on my new Instagram 
2. Pretty cherry blossoms in the garden
3. Luna being a beautiful dog model, relaxing in the garden
4. Meeting Victoria from InTheFrow at Fenwick Newcastle 
5. Delicious tomato, mozzarella, parmesan and mushroom pizza from MOD Pizza
6. Ed Sheeran live at St James' Park, Newcastle
7. A lovely relaxing weekend at a lodge in Ann's Hill with my boyfriend and our friends
8. Pretty flowers around the grounds of the lodge
9. Hot tub, sunshine and beers at the lodge. Absolute bliss!

Thanks for reading!
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