Violet Daffodils

•Travel• •Lifestyle• •Gaming•



December 07, 2019


Happy December everyone! I don't think it has quite sunk in yet that it is almost the end of 2019! But before the new year rolls around, we still have all the festive goodness to look forward to in the run up to Christmas and the holiday season! And what better way to kick off the excitement than with the return of Vlogmas!

After having a go at Blogmas last year, where I also recorded two Vlogmas videos during that time, I really enjoyed creating those videos so I decided to give it more of a go this year and try and record more videos throughout December and I'm enjoying it so far! I've even tried to be brave and actually speak on camera for the first time ever on my Youtube channel, so I hope you don't cringe too much at my voice like I do watching it back! (It still feels weird hearing my voice played back to me)

In Part One of my Vlogmas 2019, I begin with a little introduction to it, followed by a meal and cinema trip with my Mam to see the new Christmas film, Last Christmas, opening my advent calendar and seeing all the goodies inside, attending a Christmas jumper night in, a Body Shop party and lots of Luna cuteness. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for more!

Thanks for reading! <3
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