Hello and welcome back to my Animal Crossing New Horizons mini series, where I give you a daily dose of island life on my little island of Sunshine. Today I didn't stay on the game too long but here is what happened. I saw the first time it poured down with rain to the point of thunder and lightning on the game. I love all the little details that Nintendo have added to the game like how the rain makes your clothing look wet and the water droplets splashing off the umbrella and the flowers sparkling from being watered. I saw some of the flowers I'd planted the other day starting to sprout some hybrid flowers which is exciting! Due to the weather, I spent some time visiting the villagers, the latest addition to the island is the pink tiger, Claudia so I made sure to speak to her. I got a bit bored of the rain so I took a flight to a new island to gather some resources and came across a wolf character called Kyle who I ended up inviting to live on Sunshine with the rest of us. The rest of the day on the island was pretty chilled out. Here is what I got up to:

1. Went to visit new islander Claudia as she has officially moved onto the island.
2. First sight of thunder and lightning in the game and wearing my go to rainy day attire.
3. Visited Goose and gained a recipe for a pear bed.
4. Today's messages in a bottle.
5. Today's Nook Mile rewards.
6. Speaking to Wendy and helping de-flea Maggie.
7. Making the most of the awful weather and doing a ton of fishing.
8. Visiting Claudia so I could sneak a peek at her house interior.
9. Popped in to see Maggie, who was also being visited by Tucker. This is the first time I've seen villagers visiting each other so this was cute.
10. Flick was back and on the hunt for buying bugs again.

11. Visited a new island to gather some resources and found a new character roaming around, a wolf called Kyle. He seems cool so invited him to live on Sunshine.
12. Saved up some money to buy a new home plot from Tom Nook and picked this spot next to my home.
Until next time!