20.4.20 - 26.4.20
A brand new week which started off with more newness, with the arrival of a small delivery from Monki. During last week I finally treated myself to a floral retro skater dress and a floral long-sleeve ruche top that I'd had my eye on for a few weeks. Although I found the top didn't suit me, I loved the dress but its a little loose fitting which doesn't flatter my shape very much, so I've ordered a smaller size and hopefully that will give a more fitted look. Over the weekend I'd been trawling their website further for some new brightly coloured pyjamas and comfy loungewear pieces which I'd ordered too.
I'd had a very lazy start to Monday with sleeping in late. After I had been binge watching Money Heist the night before into the wee hours of Monday morning, it had taken its toll on my eyes. Thankfully the self inflicted eye ache did recover around mid-afternoon which was spent - you guessed it! - playing on my Nintendo Switch* and for the rest of the evening. You'll never guess what I was playing! ;)

I also had been sorting out medication for my Gran and I finally got around to setting up a new Twitter account purely to share my blog and social media content only on there. I will still remain active on my main account as usual. I'd been planning this idea for a while and finally decided to act on it. I find that what had once started off as a Twitter account for my blog and to connect with fellow bloggers (and still is) has since been combined with work related connections and friends, who I don't wish to constantly push blog content out to at the risk of spamming anyone, so I will keep that separate on a new account. As well as those things, I started putting together the video clips from my dog walks with Luna last week.
Another Tuesday, another video call with my work colleagues to check in on how everyone has been doing. Afterwards, I received a parcel including my brand new Animal Crossing New Horizons official companion guidebook*, it's a hefty book and I can't wait to delve into it and learn more about the game. I then crossed a few bits and pieces off my to-do list before relaxing in the garden with my new book and playing on my Nintendo Switch. I feel like I've had no motivation to do much else lately. Especially with the North East actually having sunny weather at the moment. I've been trying to make the most of it (safely of course!) whilst it's there and avoid being inside on those warmer days.
I also had been sorting out medication for my Gran and I finally got around to setting up a new Twitter account purely to share my blog and social media content only on there. I will still remain active on my main account as usual. I'd been planning this idea for a while and finally decided to act on it. I find that what had once started off as a Twitter account for my blog and to connect with fellow bloggers (and still is) has since been combined with work related connections and friends, who I don't wish to constantly push blog content out to at the risk of spamming anyone, so I will keep that separate on a new account. As well as those things, I started putting together the video clips from my dog walks with Luna last week.

Another Tuesday, another video call with my work colleagues to check in on how everyone has been doing. Afterwards, I received a parcel including my brand new Animal Crossing New Horizons official companion guidebook*, it's a hefty book and I can't wait to delve into it and learn more about the game. I then crossed a few bits and pieces off my to-do list before relaxing in the garden with my new book and playing on my Nintendo Switch. I feel like I've had no motivation to do much else lately. Especially with the North East actually having sunny weather at the moment. I've been trying to make the most of it (safely of course!) whilst it's there and avoid being inside on those warmer days.
Wednesday was spent at my laptop writing up some more Animal Crossing New Horizons* blog posts. I'm really enjoying putting them together and they appear to be getting a good amount of views on them which I'm taking as a good sign :D so thank you to those who have read them :D The evening was spent taking Luna for a walk to our local park. The blossom trees on route were beautiful! The temperature was mild which made it a pleasant and relaxing walk around. It started to get busier as we were leaving so I'm thankful I left when I did. The rest of the evening was spent watching more Firefly on Discord with Becky and Kyle and sipping on a pink gin and Fanta lemon mix, which was delicious!
Thursday I woke up really early, the earliest I had woken up in about two weeks! I got up and saw it was cloudy weather and decided I would have a chill day in bed. However I ended up nodding back off to sleep for two more hours, oops! Luckily when I woke back up it was still early so hadn't wasted the morning. I took Luna for another long walk to the local park near where I live and on the way back I saw these lovely, colourful chalk creations on some of the walls on route. Once I was home I began editing down folders upon folders of photographs and the time just flew by. The evening was spent binge watching The Office US. I've been on and off watching the show but I'm slowly but surely getting through the series.
Friday the sun was shining again. The patio had been driving me crackers at how messy it was for weeks whenever I went to put anything in the outside bin. Full of moss and weeds coming through, so I started the morning being productive and giving that a tidy up, pulling weeds and brushing out the moss. It looks back to its former glory, if I do say so myself! My brother has been doing loads of gardening lately so wanted to take one job off his hands at least. I hadn't done a great deal the rest of the day, just sat outside in the garden and caught up with friends via various forms of communication channels. I had intended to do some video editing but found myself enjoying the calmness of being outdoors, hearing the birds chirping and the smell of freshly cut grass. Taking in the surroundings more and feeling more present. I've even got the slightest hint of a tan now as well from being outside so much.
I've been surprised at myself at how I've managed to be able to switch off from my usual routine and actually enjoy the quietness and calmness of everyday life at the minute. And not beat myself up over it or feel guilty for not having this super productive life that seems to be thrown around a lot on social media at the moment. I've always been brought up to be active and productive so its been really good for me personally to take a step back from that and realise its ok if I want to have a day where I don't do a huge deal throughout it. Although life is somewhat mundane at the moment, I feel like I've needed this free time to relax properly and really have the headspace and time to put energy into other hobbies and interests that I enjoy. I have wondered how I'll adjust back to the usual routine when this is all over but I'm sure I'll manage soon enough.
The evening was spent discussing ideas with my Mam of how we should celebrate my brother's birthday on lockdown in a few weeks time and present ideas for him. I have a few gifts in mind now which is good. Then wound down for the night watching season 7 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine - my absolute favourite show! Jake and Amy are couple goals and they have me tearing up watching some of the episodes! <3 And finishing off the night with the latest episode of Friday Night Dinner. I can't believe the final episode is next week! Gutted!

Saturday I woke up early without having to set an alarm the night before. Why is it when during the week when I set an alarm it's a struggle to wake up at the time set, but at the weekend when I don't, I naturally wake up at the same time? haha weird!
I spent my morning trying on my deliveries from Monki and Skinny Dip London that I'd ordered on Monday whilst catching up on this weeks Shagged Married Annoyed podcast. I'm so pleased I finally managed to get my hands on the Daisy Bloom coat from Skinny Dip London after months of it being out of stock, hooray! With the Monki deliveries, the smaller size of the dress I'd bought during the week was a much better fit too so I'm sending the other one back. There was a few bits of loungewear, basic tops and dresses that I'm sending back too but the colourful printed pyjamas, the cosy cardigans and floral printed blouses I'd bought I'm really happy with.
This Saturday would have been an amazing one, had Covid-19 and lockdown not happened. My friend Hannah and I were meant to be spending the weekend in Manchester to see Harry Styles perform live, something we'd both been excited for. I know its first world problems but I can't help but feel a bit gutted that we aren't there having the time of our lives like we should have been. I settled for listening to his latest album on repeat instead. It has been rescheduled to next year, so I'm optimistic we'll have an amazing time when the day comes and it will make up for it.
The rest of the day was spent finally playing more of Animal Crossing New Horizons* again, after a few days off from it. The game had an update on Thursday so a few additional events are coming to the game and I wanted to get playing again in time for those. The evening was spent catching up with some of the gang on House Party.
Sunday was a lazy one. Spent the whole day having another Animal Crossing gaming session and a brief moment reading the companion guidebook. I also went through and deleted all the screenshots I'd taken on my Nintendo Switch and what a tedious job that was! 8,000+ images! I need to calm down on that front. Overall a lazy end to a relatively lazy week. Hopefully I can find some motivation to be more productive in the coming week.
Further Reading:
Life In Lockdown: Week 4
Life In Lockdown: Week 3
Life In Lockdown: Week 2
Life In Lockdown: Week 1

Thursday I woke up really early, the earliest I had woken up in about two weeks! I got up and saw it was cloudy weather and decided I would have a chill day in bed. However I ended up nodding back off to sleep for two more hours, oops! Luckily when I woke back up it was still early so hadn't wasted the morning. I took Luna for another long walk to the local park near where I live and on the way back I saw these lovely, colourful chalk creations on some of the walls on route. Once I was home I began editing down folders upon folders of photographs and the time just flew by. The evening was spent binge watching The Office US. I've been on and off watching the show but I'm slowly but surely getting through the series.
Friday the sun was shining again. The patio had been driving me crackers at how messy it was for weeks whenever I went to put anything in the outside bin. Full of moss and weeds coming through, so I started the morning being productive and giving that a tidy up, pulling weeds and brushing out the moss. It looks back to its former glory, if I do say so myself! My brother has been doing loads of gardening lately so wanted to take one job off his hands at least. I hadn't done a great deal the rest of the day, just sat outside in the garden and caught up with friends via various forms of communication channels. I had intended to do some video editing but found myself enjoying the calmness of being outdoors, hearing the birds chirping and the smell of freshly cut grass. Taking in the surroundings more and feeling more present. I've even got the slightest hint of a tan now as well from being outside so much.
I've been surprised at myself at how I've managed to be able to switch off from my usual routine and actually enjoy the quietness and calmness of everyday life at the minute. And not beat myself up over it or feel guilty for not having this super productive life that seems to be thrown around a lot on social media at the moment. I've always been brought up to be active and productive so its been really good for me personally to take a step back from that and realise its ok if I want to have a day where I don't do a huge deal throughout it. Although life is somewhat mundane at the moment, I feel like I've needed this free time to relax properly and really have the headspace and time to put energy into other hobbies and interests that I enjoy. I have wondered how I'll adjust back to the usual routine when this is all over but I'm sure I'll manage soon enough.
The evening was spent discussing ideas with my Mam of how we should celebrate my brother's birthday on lockdown in a few weeks time and present ideas for him. I have a few gifts in mind now which is good. Then wound down for the night watching season 7 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine - my absolute favourite show! Jake and Amy are couple goals and they have me tearing up watching some of the episodes! <3 And finishing off the night with the latest episode of Friday Night Dinner. I can't believe the final episode is next week! Gutted!
Saturday I woke up early without having to set an alarm the night before. Why is it when during the week when I set an alarm it's a struggle to wake up at the time set, but at the weekend when I don't, I naturally wake up at the same time? haha weird!
I spent my morning trying on my deliveries from Monki and Skinny Dip London that I'd ordered on Monday whilst catching up on this weeks Shagged Married Annoyed podcast. I'm so pleased I finally managed to get my hands on the Daisy Bloom coat from Skinny Dip London after months of it being out of stock, hooray! With the Monki deliveries, the smaller size of the dress I'd bought during the week was a much better fit too so I'm sending the other one back. There was a few bits of loungewear, basic tops and dresses that I'm sending back too but the colourful printed pyjamas, the cosy cardigans and floral printed blouses I'd bought I'm really happy with.
This Saturday would have been an amazing one, had Covid-19 and lockdown not happened. My friend Hannah and I were meant to be spending the weekend in Manchester to see Harry Styles perform live, something we'd both been excited for. I know its first world problems but I can't help but feel a bit gutted that we aren't there having the time of our lives like we should have been. I settled for listening to his latest album on repeat instead. It has been rescheduled to next year, so I'm optimistic we'll have an amazing time when the day comes and it will make up for it.
The rest of the day was spent finally playing more of Animal Crossing New Horizons* again, after a few days off from it. The game had an update on Thursday so a few additional events are coming to the game and I wanted to get playing again in time for those. The evening was spent catching up with some of the gang on House Party.
Sunday was a lazy one. Spent the whole day having another Animal Crossing gaming session and a brief moment reading the companion guidebook. I also went through and deleted all the screenshots I'd taken on my Nintendo Switch and what a tedious job that was! 8,000+ images! I need to calm down on that front. Overall a lazy end to a relatively lazy week. Hopefully I can find some motivation to be more productive in the coming week.
Further Reading:
Life In Lockdown: Week 4
Life In Lockdown: Week 3
Life In Lockdown: Week 2
Life In Lockdown: Week 1
*This post contains affiliate links